Kickstart AI has joined forces with NL AIC to Organize the First Edition of the National AI Challenge
NL AIC participants can register for the first edition of the National AI Challenge starting June 11, 2024. A team of experts and engineers will work with you on your use case.
What is the National AI Challenge?
Both Kickstart AI and NL AIC focus on promoting the development and adoption of AI in the Netherlands and have found each other as complementary partners with a shared mission to foster the development and adoption of AI. As a first step in their collaboration, a National AI Challenge is being set up for NL AIC participants. The goal is to tackle concrete challenges that companies or societal organizations face in practice by joining forces and solving them using AI. Companies that are not NL AIC participants can also apply, but only in partnership with one of the current participants. Check here to see who is already an NL AIC participant. Do you want to become an NL AIC participant? You can easily do so via this link.

How does it work?
NL AIC participants can register for the first edition of the National AI Challenge starting June 11, 2024. After a pre-selection and technical check by the Kickstart AI project team, a top 5 will proceed to the selection day. During the selection day in September, a winner will be chosen. A team of experts and engineers will then work together with you on your use case.

Important dates
August 16, 11:59 PM - Deadline for registration
August 27 - Pre-selection
August 28/29 - Technical check
September 9 - Selection day (takes place in the afternoon, location to be announced)
October - Start of use case development

What makes a good use case?
A good use case for this challenge has several elements. The use case should address a problem within your organization(s) and be central to your activities. Additionally, it is important that the insights from the challenge can be widely shared and that sufficient and high-quality data is available to solve the challenge. Examples of use cases Kickstart AI has worked on over the past year can be found here.

Selection criteria
The applicant can be a company, government, or societal organization.
- You are a participant of the Netherlands AI Coalition (if the application is made via a consortium, at least the main applicant must be an NL AIC participant).
- The use case aligns with the missions of NL AIC and Kickstart AI The solution is scalable. This means that the use case has a broader impact than just within the walls of your organization.
- A clear problem must be defined, both for the benefit of the company and from a technological perspective.
- The applicant has usable, relevant, and sufficient data and is willing to share this data with the Kickstart AI project team.

This challenge is made possible by the Netherlands AI Coalition and Kickstart AI. Do you want to participate in this National AI Challenge? Submit your use case here! Do you have questions or is something unclear? Contact Sophie van Eck (NL AIC) and Iris Visser (Kickstart AI).
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